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Acne is like that uninvited guest who not only crashes your party but leaves a mess behind. And often, the mess takes the form of acne scars. These stubborn reminders of past blemishes can be frustrating, but don’t fret! There’s hope.

Let’s dive into the world of acne scars and explore effective treatments and strategies for prevention.

What are Acne Scars?

When acne breaks out, it can sometimes damage the skin and the tissue beneath it. As the skin heals, it tries to repair this damage, and in doing so, leaves behind scar tissue – this is what we see as acne scars. They can appear as indentations, raised spots, or changes in skin tone or pigment.

acne scars

What Causes Acne Scars?

Not all acne leads to scarring. So why do some pimples leave a lasting mark?

There are a few factors at play, such as the severity of the acne, your skin type, and genetics. But, the most common culprit is picking or popping pimples – that’s a big no-no.

picking acne

Prevention: Stop Scars Before They Start

Don’t Pick or Pop

Think of pimples as no-touch zones. Picking and popping might be tempting, but it’s like poking an angry dog – it makes everything worse and can lead to scarring.

Follow a Skincare Routine

Stick to a gentle skincare routine. Over-cleansing or using harsh products can irritate acne and increase the chances of scarring.

Protect from the Sun

Sun exposure can darken acne scars and make them more noticeable. Wear sunscreen to keep your healing skin protected.

Seek Early Treatment

Early intervention is key. The sooner acne is treated, the lower the chance of it leaving behind scars.

Treating Established Scars

Now, if the scar has already settled in, here are some treatments that can help:

Medical Microneedling

Imagine your skin getting a fresh start. Microneedling stimulates collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of acne scars. It also helps to re-model the scars by encouraging them to be broken down by your body.

acne scar treatment

Chemical Peels

These are high-potency acids applied to the skin to remove the damaged top layers and promote new, healthier skin growth.

Laser Resurfacing

Like an eraser, laser resurfacing removes the top layer of the skin, allowing new skin to form in its place. It’s quite invasive and has a lot of downtime. It’s usually only undertaken for very severe scarring or if other methods have failed.


For those deep, sunken scars, injectable fillers can plump them up. Note that the results are temporary, so you might need to go for repeat treatments.

Consult a Dermatologist

Remember, when it comes to treating acne scars, one size doesn’t fit all. It’s important to consult a dermatologist to find the treatment that’s best for you – they’ll be able to figure out what’s going on with your skin and prescribe the best plan of action.


Acne scars can be a pain, but they don’t have to be permanent residents on your face. With preventative measures and the right treatments, you can wave them goodbye!

Stay vigilant, be gentle with your skin, and when in doubt, turn to the experts.

Freyja Medical is here to support you in your journey towards clear skin. Our dermatologist doctors are skin experts, ready to prescribe the perfect treatment plan for you.