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Cleft Chin

Cleft Chin

Discover what causes a cleft chin and how to tackle it effectively.

Our expert team provides personalised treatments, ranging from advanced procedures to specialised techniques, ensuring you effortlessly attain a rejuvenated, radiant look.

Say goodbye to a cleft chin and hello to confidence with Freyja Medical.

What is a Cleft Chin and what causes it?

A cleft chin, often called a “chin dimple,” features a noticeable indentation or dimple in the centre of the chin. This trait varies in depth and size among individuals.

Genetics: This is the primary cause of a chin dimple. This inherited trait passes down from parents to their children and results from the interaction of multiple genes.

Developmental factors: This also contributes to a chin dimple. During fetal development, the two sides of the lower jawbone (mandible) grow towards each other and fuse at the midline. A cleft chin occurs when these halves incompletely fuse, leaving a small gap or indentation.

At Freyja Medical, we specifically tailor dermal fillers to address cleft chin concerns. Our expert dermatology team provides a comprehensive approach, offering personalised solutions to enhance chin volume. We rejuvenate your appearance with natural-looking results and a radiant complexion.

Dermal fillers for cleft chin at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Cleft Chin Treatments

Aesthetic consultation for cleft chin at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Aesthetic Consultation

During an aesthetic consultation for a chin dimple at Freyja Medical, our experienced practitioners assess your unique concerns. They will discuss the tailored treatment options available to you, focusing on dermal fillers for this specific concern.

Our personalised recommendations aim to help you achieve your desired results, enhancing chin volume and rejuvenating your appearance.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout the consultation process, guiding you towards a confident, radiant appearance.

With our current promotion, take advantage of a FREE aesthetic consultation to begin your journey towards achieving your desired look! Click here to book.

Dermal fillers for cleft chin at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Dermal Fillers

Our clinic offers an effective solution for cleft chin concerns with dermal fillers.

Our skilled practitioners administer these fillers to smooth and volumise the chin area, reducing the appearance of the cleft and enhancing facial harmony.

We tailor our approach and commit to natural-looking results, ensuring you achieve a revitalised appearance with confidence and ease.

Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.
What causes a cleft chin?

A cleft chin, often called a “chin dimple,” features a noticeable indentation or dimple in the centre of the chin. This trait varies in depth and size among individuals.

Genetics: This is the primary cause of a chin dimple. This inherited trait passes down from parents to their children and results from the interaction of multiple genes.

Developmental factors: This also contributes to a chin dimple. During fetal development, the two sides of the lower jawbone (mandible) grow towards each other and fuse at the midline. A cleft chin occurs when these halves incompletely fuse, leaving a small gap or indentation.

Can a cleft chin be treated?

Yes, a chin dimple can be treated effectively with dermal fillers. This non-surgical treatment option is ideal for those looking to smooth and volumise the chin area, reducing the appearance of the cleft.

Dermal fillers work by injecting a hyaluronic acid-based gel into the chin, which fills the indentation and enhances the overall contour of the chin. The procedure is minimally invasive, typically performed in a clinic setting with little to no downtime required.

Our skilled practitioners at Freyja Medical ensure that the treatment is tailored to your unique facial structure, providing natural-looking results. The effects are immediate, with the final outcome becoming fully apparent within a few days to a week, as any initial swelling or minor bruising subsides.

Overall, dermal fillers offer a safe and effective solution for those looking to achieve a more harmonious and revitalised chin appearance.

How long does it take to see results from cleft chin treatments?

Results from dermal fillers for a chin dimple are typically visible immediately after the procedure.

However, it is common for the final results to be fully apparent within a few days to a week. This period allows any initial swelling or minor bruising to subside, revealing the enhanced and natural-looking appearance.

Are the treatments painful?

The treatments we offer for cleft chin are generally well-tolerated and minimally invasive, with little to no pain or discomfort.

Are the treatments safe?

Yes, the treatments we offer are safe and have been extensively tested and researched for their effectiveness and safety.

Are there any side effects from the treatments?

There may be some mild side effects associated with dermal fillers, such as redness or swelling, but these are usually temporary and subside within a few days.

How much do the treatments cost?

The cost of cleft chin treatments can vary depending on the severity of the condition. We will be able to provide you with a detailed quote during your consultation.

How often do I need to come in for treatments?

Depending on the severity of the condition, the frequency of treatments may vary. Our team will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that outlines the recommended frequency of treatments to achieve the best results.

Say Goodbye to your Cleft Chin

Schedule your FREE aesthetic consultation today (for a limited time only!)