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Unwanted Filler

Unwanted Filler

Discover what causes sunken eyes and how to tackle them effectively.

Our expert team provides personalised treatments, ranging from advanced procedures to specialised techniques, ensuring you effortlessly attain a rejuvenated, radiant look.

Say goodbye to unwanted filler and hello to confidence with Freyja Medical.

What causes Unwanted Filler?

Unwanted filler outcomes can be a frustrating experience for individuals seeking aesthetic enhancements. Despite the widespread popularity of dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation, several factors can contribute to less-than-desirable results:

  • Incorrect Placement

  • Overfilling

  • Product Choice

  • Provider Skill and Experience

  • Patient Expectations

  • Allergic Reactions and Complications

Seeking professional advice is the first step towards addressing unwanted filler. A skilled practitioner can guide you through the removal process and help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals effectively and safely.

Hyalase for unwanted filler at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Unwanted Filler Treatments

Aesthetic consultations for sunken eyes at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Aesthetic Consultation

At Freyja Medical, our consultations for addressing unwanted filler are conducted by our expert practitioners. They specialise in using hyaluronidase (Hyalase), the effective treatment for dissolving hyaluronic acid fillers.

We recognise that each individual’s situation is unique. Therefore, we begin by listening carefully to your concerns and goals. Our personalised approach ensures that we recommend the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you’re dealing with filler from a previous treatment or seeking correction, our team is dedicated to guiding you through the Hyalase treatment process. We aim to provide you with comprehensive information and support so that you can feel fully informed and confident in your decision.

With our current promotion, take advantage of a FREE aesthetic consultation to begin your journey towards achieving your desired look! Click here to book.

Hyalase for unwanted filler at Freyja Medical in Wrexham, Nantwich and Cheshire

Hyalase (Filler Dissolving)

Hyalase, also known as hyaluronidase, is a highly effective enzyme used to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers.

This treatment is particularly beneficial for correcting or adjusting filler results that are uneven, overfilled, or otherwise undesirable.

Hyalase works by breaking down hyaluronic acid, the main component of many dermal fillers, allowing for precise and controlled adjustments.The procedure is minimally invasive and typically well-tolerated, offering quick results with minimal downtime.

At Freyja Medical, our skilled practitioners utilise Hyalase with expertise to help clients achieve natural-looking outcomes and restore facial harmony effectively.

Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.
What causes unwanted filler?

Unwanted filler outcomes can be a frustrating experience for individuals seeking aesthetic enhancements. Despite the widespread popularity of dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation, several factors can contribute to less-than-desirable results:

  1. Incorrect Placement: Precise placement of filler is crucial to achieving natural-looking results. If the filler is injected into the wrong anatomical layer or too close to the surface of the skin, it can create irregularities, asymmetry, or even noticeable lumps.
  2. Overfilling: While the goal of filler treatment is to restore volume and smooth out wrinkles, overfilling can lead to an exaggerated or unnatural appearance. This can be particularly problematic in delicate areas such as lips or under the eyes.
  3. Product Choice: The choice of filler is critical as different products have varying textures and viscosities suited for specific areas of the face. Using an inappropriate filler type for a particular concern or skin type can result in a less-than-ideal outcome.
  4. Provider Skill and Experience: The skill and experience of the healthcare provider performing the procedure significantly influence the final results. Inexperienced practitioners may lack the expertise to assess facial anatomy properly or administer fillers with precision.
  5. Patient Expectations: Miscommunication or unrealistic expectations between the patient and the provider can lead to dissatisfaction with the results. Clear communication and realistic goal-setting are essential before undergoing any filler treatment.
  6. Allergic Reactions and Complications: While rare, allergic reactions to filler components or complications such as infection or vascular occlusion can occur. These issues highlight the importance of choosing a qualified practitioner who prioritises patient safety.

Seeking professional advice is the first step towards addressing unwanted filler. A skilled practitioner can guide you through the removal process and help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals effectively and safely. To book your free consultation at our clinic, click here.

Can unwanted filler be treated?

Yes, we offer Hyalase treatments for unwanted filler at Freyja Medical.

These treatments are administered by our expert practitioners and are tailored to meet each individual’s needs.

With our current promotion, take advantage of a FREE aesthetic consultation to begin your journey towards achieving your desired look! Click here to book.

How long does it take to see results from unwanted filler treatments?

The time it takes to see results from unwanted filler treatments, such as using Hyalase to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers, can vary.

Typically, you may start noticing initial changes within the first 24 to 48 hours after treatment as the filler begins to break down. However, full results may take several days to a week to become apparent, depending on the individual’s metabolism and the specific filler used.

It’s important to follow your practitioner’s advice regarding post-treatment care and expectations for optimal results.

Are the treatments painful?

The treatments we offer for unwanted filler are generally well-tolerated and minimally invasive, with little to no pain or discomfort.

Are the treatments safe?

Yes, the treatments we offer are safe and have been extensively tested and researched for their effectiveness and safety.

Are there any side effects from the treatments?

There may be some mild side effects associated with Hyalase treatments, such as redness or swelling, but these are usually temporary and subside within a few days.

How much do the treatments cost?

Our treatment costs for Hyalase start at £350. Each session is tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring precise and effective correction of unwanted filler results. To learn more schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation with one of our aesthetic specialists here.

How often do I need to come in for treatments?

The frequency of Hyalase treatments for dissolving unwanted fillers can vary based on individual factors such as the type of filler and the extent of correction needed.

Our team will collaborate with you to develop a tailored treatment plan that specifies the optimal frequency of Hyalase sessions to achieve your desired results effectively.

This personalised approach ensures that your treatment is optimised for maximum effectiveness and satisfaction.

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Filler

Schedule your FREE aesthetic consultation today (for a limited time only!)