Revolutionising Skin Rejuvenation: Embracing Profhilo

In the dynamic realm of aesthetics and skincare, navigating the latest treatments can feel like a whirlwind.

One treatment that stands out as a game-changer is Profhilo. This pioneering bioremodelling injectable treatment ignites excitement among those pursuing youthful, revitalised skin without resorting to surgery. But what exactly is Profhilo, and how does it work? Let’s delve into it.

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is a skin rejuvenation treatment that harnesses one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) available in the market. Unlike dermal fillers, which aim to fill wrinkles and add volume, Profhilo focuses on enhancing the overall quality of the skin.

How Does Profhilo Treatment Work?

Profhilo operates by gradually releasing hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally produced by our bodies to maintain skin hydration. As time passes, our natural HA production diminishes, resulting in lackluster, dehydrated skin and the emergence of fine lines. By administering Profhilo into the skin, it delivers a potent dose of HA that spreads evenly, prompting the production of collagen and elastin, thereby fostering tighter, smoother, and more youthful skin.

What Does a Profhilo Treatment Involve?

A typical Profhilo treatment comprises two sessions, spaced approximately a month apart. The procedure itself is swift, usually lasting around 30 minutes. Practitioners inject small quantities of Profhilo into the skin in specific patterns tailored to the area under treatment. It is commonly applied to the face, neck, and hands – regions notorious for aging signs.

What Results Can You Anticipate?

Following a Profhilo treatment, you can anticipate brighter, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. Fine lines and wrinkles may become less conspicuous, while your skin is likely to feel more supple and hydrated. The full impact typically becomes evident a month after the second treatment.

Profhilo before and after

Profhilo for Skin Rejuvenation

What Are the Side Effects of Profhilo?

Profhilo is generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. Some individuals may experience minor bruising or swelling at the injection sites, but these symptoms typically dissipate swiftly.

Profhilo represents a thrilling advancement in aesthetic medicine, offering a distinctive approach to skin rejuvenation. By elevating your skin’s natural hyaluronic acid levels, it enhances skin quality, hydration, and elasticity. If you’re seeking a minimally invasive treatment to combat signs of aging, Profhilo could be the solution.

Remember, it’s crucial to discuss any aesthetic treatment with a qualified professional. At Freyja Medical, we’re committed to furnishing expert advice and services to empower you with confidence and knowledge regarding your skincare choices. Why not schedule an appointment today?

Nurse Clare Wyatt performing a Profhilo consultation at Freyja Medical