What are the signs of having Botox?

What are the signs of having Botox?

Can you tell if someone has had Botox? Botox is a popular treatment for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It works by relaxing the muscles that cause these wrinkles, giving the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. But can you tell...

6 Ways To Make Botox Last Longer

6 ways to make your Botox last longer Botox. We love it, right? But wouldn’t it be nice if we could get a bit longer results from our treatments?! Well, let’s see what we can do… Avoid facials and abrasive products One thing everyone can do to make sure their...
Botox Treatment: 10 Things to Know

Botox Treatment: 10 Things to Know

Considering Botox? Before you proceed, there are several key factors to keep in mind. Our doctors at Freyja Medical Clinic in Wrexham and Nantwich have outlined the top 10 things you should know before undergoing Botox treatment: Preventative Botox Works In your 20s...
Male Botox Surge: Soaring Trend

Male Botox Surge: Soaring Trend

In recent years, there has been a significant upsurge in the number of men opting for Botox injections, affectionately termed “male botox” or “Brotox”. This trend is fuelled by various factors, including its efficacy in reducing wrinkles and...
What are the signs of having Botox?

The Difference Between Botox and Fillers

With the vast array of cosmetic treatments available today, it can be challenging to determine which option might be best for you. Are Botox injections the answer for smoothing out wrinkles, or are injectable fillers the preferred choice? When researching treatments...
Reality of Botox: Subtle Enhancements, True Expression

Reality of Botox: Subtle Enhancements, True Expression

Reality of Botox: Contrary to popular belief, there’s a common misconception surrounding this treatment, deterring many from considering it as viable. The prevailing image of frozen, unnaturally smooth faces stems from poor injection techniques, tarnishing...